Dental implants are an amazing option for people who need a tooth replacement solution. Compared to options like bridges and dentures, dental implants are a permanent solution that can serve you a lifetime. On top of that, dental implants function and look just like your natural teeth. Thus, it is thought to be the most comfortable tooth replacement solution. Below is our guide to the first days after dental implants.

Guide to the First Days After Dental Implants

The process of installing dental implants is an invasive medical procedure. Some special care and recovery time are needed after the procedure to avoid any complications. Here, we put together a guide to the first days after dental implants.

How Are Dental Implants Installed?

Patients typically need some recovery time after their dental implants are newly installed because this is not an easy procedure. Installing dental implants is a surgery that involves several steps.

First, special metal posts have to be inserted in the place of your natural tooth roots. These metal posts are practically inserted in the jawbone. Subsequently, the jawbone has to heal around the implant and fuse with it.

The Recovery Process

As we described, the recovery after the dental implants are installed involves the healing of the jawbone. This is not a fast process and can take several months to be fully complete. On top of that, the gums surrounding the treated area have to heal, too.

The recovery time and process might look different for every patient, depending on the initial condition of the jawbone and the type of dental implants used. Your dentist can tell you how the healing process is expected to look in your particular case.

The First Days After Dental Implants

The first days of recovery after your dental implants are installed are very important because your gums and jawbone are the most vulnerable at this time. Make sure to follow your periodontist’s recommendations to avoid any potential complications.

Points to Remember

Swelling of the Area Around Your Dental Implant is Normal

The swelling after the treatment might persist for 2 or 3 days after the procedure. It is helpful to keep your head lifted during the day and at night. Use an additional pillow to maintain the lifted position when you sleep. Using an ice pack can be an effective method for reducing swelling. It is best to wrap the ice pack in a towel and put it on the swollen area of your face for 10 minutes at a time. Take 20-minute breaks between these ice compresses.

Minor Bleeding After the Procedure Is Absolutely Normal

If bleeding occurs, apply some pressure by putting a slightly wet, clean gauze pad over the area and biting it down. Stay in an upright position and keep applying pressure for about 30 minutes. If this method does not help and the bleeding persists, contact your dentist for recommendations.

Pain Should Be Minimal

Typically, patients report discomfort, soreness, swelling, and minor pain for several days after the procedure. However, severe pain typically should not occur. To help with minor symptoms, you can normally take some over-the-counter painkillers. Your doctor will recommend the best option to you. Always follow the instructions and do not exceed the daily dose of your painkillers. If severe pain occurs, immediately contact your doctor.

Dos and Don’ts After Dental Implants

Avoid Disturbing the Area Around Dental Implant

At first, your new dental implant can feel alien in your mouth. Avoid touching it and the area around it with your tongue or fingers. Also, try to avoid rinsing your mouth. After some time, you will get used to having a new tooth, and the odd sensations will disappear.

Brush Your Teeth Carefully

Keeping your mouth clean after the surgery is a priority. However, you should brush your teeth in the area of the new implant very gently. Try not to disturb the gums, and do not floss in this area for at least two weeks after the procedure. Typically, you can start brushing your teeth in the evening after the surgery, if your doctor does not recommend otherwise.

Avoid Strenuous Activities

Do not participate in any physical activity like sports, long walks, bending, and lifting weights for several days after the procedure. Such activities can increase swelling and cause pain and bleeding. You should spend the first day after the procedure lying down and having a complete rest.

Eat Carefully

Try to eat only soft foods that can be taken with comfort during the first several days after the procedure. The food options might include yogurts, cream soups, cottage cheese, smoothies, and vegetable and meat purees. Avoid hard foods like nuts, vegetables, fruits, seeds, crackers, etc.
Do not drink using a straw, as suction can disturb the forming of a clot, which is very important for the healing process. Also, avoid very cold and very hot beverages.
Make sure to eat regularly because you need proper nourishment to expedite the healing process and to feel better as soon as possible.

Make sure to follow your dentist’s advice to have the most comfortable recovery after installing your new dental implants. The highly qualified specialists at LA Wilshire Perio will carefully guide you through all the steps of getting dental implants, from preparation to recovery.


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Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel:(213) 481-2699