Gingivitis is a serious disease that doesn’t just target your teeth. In fact, scientific studies have shown that patients with gingivitis are at higher risk for stroke, diabetes, and heart disease. This is one of the reasons why dentists are so adamant that you protect your teeth and gums. In many ways, your mouth is the primary access point to most of your major organ systems. Keeping it safe and free of infection is essential. Unfortunately, the early stages of gingivitis can be relatively easy to overlook, although it still comes with heightened risk. To help identify gingivitis before it becomes severe, keep a lookout for these early signs of gingivitis.


When your gums are healthy, they should be a pale pink color. If you notice that your gums seem to look redder against your teeth, you should make an appointment with your dentist and revisit your daily hygiene habits. Redness is one of the earliest signs of irritation caused by an infection.


If bacteria begin to collect along the gum-line and your gums become infected, your body’s immune system will respond by sending forces to fight the infection. Inflammation is the direct result of this response. Therefore, if your gums appear a little puffy, particularly along the edge where they should fit tightly to your teeth, you know that your gums have been injured somehow. Gingivitis is the likely culprit.


This is one of the surest early signs of gingivitis. Our gums are very sensitive, so it is important that you floss carefully in the manner recommended by your dentist. Don’t allow the floss to jerk up into the gum-line. Rather, gently guide your floss along the edge of each tooth, bring it carefully up to the gum-line, and then follow the gum’s curvature to remove plaque from underneath. 

If you are flossing correctly and still bleeding from your gums, you should schedule an appointment with your dentist. If you’ve caught the condition in its early stages, then a professional cleaning will help to get you back on the right track. 

Bad Breath

Your good old friend halitosis is another great indicator that there is a problem with your oral health. Bad breath is caused by bacteria living in your mouth. Usually, you can keep bad breath at bay by regularly brushing your teeth and tongue. However, it can be a little trickier when you have gingivitis. 

As bacteria grow underneath the gum-line, your toothbrush and floss are going to have a harder time removing them. As a result, many patients with gingivitis experience persistent bad breath that doesn’t seem to go away. When this is the case, there is a chance that your gingivitis may be too advanced to be treated with a simple cleaning. More than likely, you will need to see a dentist that specializes in periodontal disease treatment in Los Angeles


Discomfort is a little harder to pinpoint, as it can vary from person to person. Even in the earliest stages of gingivitis, you may experience tenderness or even pain due to your gums swelling. However, many patients don’t experience physical discomfort until much later in the disease’s course, so you shouldn’t rule out gingivitis in its absence. 

Seeking Treatment

If any of these early signs of gingivitis sound familiar, you should schedule an appointment with LA Wilshire Periodontics. Their team of specialists will evaluate your current oral health to determine how much your gum disease has advanced and what treatment plans are right for you. Fortunately, even moderate gingivitis can usually be resolved through a careful cleaning technique that goes below the gum-line and along the roots of your teeth to target hiding bacteria. With a little professional help, you can get your oral health back on track. 


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Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel:(213) 481-2699